Little White (and other news)


My husband Jacob loves birds. I make a token donation to the American Bird Conservatory each year so he will get a full-color magazine monthly. When we lived in our 200-square-foot studio apartment two years prior, he’d cut his favorite photos out and tape them on the ceiling above the loft bed. This is where he spent 18 hours a day when he first got ill.

I have a new short memoir piece out from Alternating Current Press’s The Coil: ‘Little White.’ It’s about disability, keeping birds, and life. Check it out!

Additional news: I’m now represented by Erik Hane of Red Sofa Literary! I’m very fortunate, both to be agented and to have him as my agent. We’re working on edits for my novel, tentatively titled Real Person Fiction. Watch this space.

Writing can be taught

There are people who spent 16 years in school, an additional two years in an MFA, and three thousand hours reading slush for a literary journal who will tell you with a straight face nobody taught them to write.

I was taught. I write better than I did in second grade, and a teacher or thirty probably has something to do with that. In tenth grade, Mr. Wheeler singled me out as the one student in the class who he wouldn’t abide shitty writing from. He returned my creative writing assignments so covered in red marks the page looked bloody. I learned. Two years ago I didn’t have a firm grasp of the comma.

So: why are writers so full of shit on this?

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Nightscript Volume III

It is October 1st, and Nightscript Volume III is out! Nightscript is a yearly literary anthology of strange and darksome tales edited by C. M. Muller. You can find my short story, “Grizzly,” inside.

You can get it in print or Kindle edition on Amazon.


Nightscript is really special to me. It is the first place to pay me for a piece of writing. It is the first time I’ll be able to hold in my own hands a book I helped write. I am humbled. I hope you’ll share this experience with me. Here’s a little taste:



If you do pick it up, let me know. Write a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.